12/31/2005 04:52:00 PM
Yesterday, my husband went to the doctor for a regular visit to ask him about a cough that has been around for about a month. The appointment was at 3:30. At five, he called me to tell me that the doctor was advising him to go to the emergency room because he had an irregular heartbeat that was causing him concern. I threw the kids in the mommy wagon and drove them to my parents so that I could be with him in the emergency room.
Was I worried?
Hell yes, I was worried. My man, my love, the strongest man I know was having heart problems?
Soon after I arrived, we were called to the back. They hooked up an IV, stuck heart monitors to his chest, put a blood pressure monitor on his arm, an oxygen indicator on his finger, and put an oxygen tube under his nose.
What in the hell?
Here was my rock, MY stability, hooked up to a bunch of monitors. I promise you, I did not think any less of him, I just sat there hurting for him. He hadn't been in a hospital since he had his tonsils out as a child. He believes himself to be Superman, who the hell was the doctor to tell him otherwise?
We were able to go home many hours later. They said his blood pressure was pretty high, and he has to see a cardiologist. They gave him a bunch of pills, but not many answers.
Am I worried? A little. This is just a big wake-up for us. It's time to stop eating like we have the metabolisms of 19 year olds. It's time to get off our asses and exercise. He needs to take more vacations from work. God, what a night to make resolutions.
I wish everyone a happy and healthy New Year. Hug your family and friends extra tight, I know I will.
12/28/2005 05:02:00 PM
The kids are on vacation, and we are spending lots of time together. I have my friends kids today and tomorrow because she is a NICU nurse, and she works overnight. I try to help out when our kids are on vacation so she can get some sleep during the day. Today, I was driving all six of the kids to the park which isn't far from our house. I was still in the process of loading them up in the mommy van when MO(my oldest) shouted from the backseat, "Mom!! What's a blow job?" WHAT???!!!?!??!?!
I said, "Where did you hear that??"
Now I know some of you are thinking that he heard it from my NH or I, but I assure you, we are very adept at using code words for bedroom activities.
I must also point out that the six kids I had were: 2 eleven year old boys, a nine year old boy, twin seven year olds(boy and girl), and my little Bubba who is two.
So, they all heard MO yell "Blow Job" at the top of his lungs and were eagerly awaiting my response.
He says he heard it on channel 48, which here is Comedy Central. I don't know if he is telling the truth, or what the hell he was watching, or where the hell I was when he heard this wonderful phrase, but I guess I have to play with the parental controls on the TV in the play room now. They didn't used to be interested in anything other than Nickelodeon or cartoon Network, but I guess things change.
So, I gave him the "We'll talk about this later" answer, and I am eagerly awaiting that talk, let me tell you.
CRAP! Sometimes parenting really hurts.
12/12/2005 11:31:00 AM
The trip wasn't so bad. I had a bit of trouble remembering to call everyone by their appropriate title. (Uncle so-and-so, aunt so-and-so, Mr and Mrs.) I'm used to being much more relaxed with our names. I still don't know what to call my mother in law. I called her Mrs.____ the whole time I was there, and I slipped once and called her by her first name, and I was reprimanded. So, I guess that's it, just Mrs. ___. Oh well, one day I'll get it right.
Everything is going okay here. I'm running around trying to get Christmas shopping done, and make sure the kids are all taken care of. I was just informed that the school will be closed for the break for over a month, which means I will be out of work for about 6 weeks. Ouch. Maybe I will be productive and get all my mundane things done at once. You know...doctor's visits, dentists, things of that nature. Exciting. Maybe my house will even be clean!
Tomorrow, we are going to Disneyland!!!!!! I am soooooo excited! My NH won't be joining us because work will not permit it, but the rest of my family is going.(kids, my sis, and my parents) I will be taking the kids out of school for the day. They don't know yet, it's a surprise. I hope they're going to be happy!!! Anyway, life is back to normal. I have a busy schedule for the next week, then nothing....Maybe I can blog more.
Peace out,
11/21/2005 12:03:00 PM
I'm leaving tonight for New Jersey! I'm a little nervous, but I think I'm prepared. I hope the kids behave themselves. I hope I get some sleep on the plane, and most important, I hope I don't say anything stupid to my in-laws. That's so hard for me! I have a problem with speaking before I think. I have a tendency to speak with my emotions rather than my brain. Oh well, I'll be sure to post about my trip. Oh, and I can't wait to see the Liberty Bell! I'm so excited about all the American history that you can take in on the East coast. Maybe next year, we can go to New York. Maybe I'll get a chance to bond with my in-laws and this will be a life-changing experience for me. Yeah right, I'm just hoping I make it out alive.
11/17/2005 09:40:00 AM
I know my day is not starting off well when I hear these two phrases before eight am:
"Mom!!!! He keeps sneezing on me!!!!!"
"EEEWWWWW, gross!!!! Mom!!!!! He licked the Q-tip with earwax on it!!!!"
I really did want girls.
11/16/2005 06:28:00 PM
Something is bothering me. I was driving behind a huge construction truck today, and there was a small sign on the back that said "Not responsible for windshield damage. Stay back 200 feet" This sign was maybe one foot by one foot big. There is no way you could even see that sign from 200 feet away. Are you kidding me? I promise you, if something flew out of that truck and hit my windshield and caused a crack, you would be so responsible!!!!!
11/08/2005 05:52:00 PM
It's nice. Even though I feel a heavy head cold coming on, life is alright. The boys make me a little crazy sometimes. So much so that I sent them to bed at 8 last night, but life is mostly good. I am smiling. My mom went to the doctor yesterday and is a little worried about her tests, but I am sure (I can feel it in my heart) that it's nothing. I am confident. I am relaxing a bit. I am not too stressed out, I haven't had a homicidal thought in a couple of days, so life is good. I hope this lasts.
11/03/2005 07:38:00 PM
My oh my, yesterday was a challenge for me!!!!!
First, I took my big boys to school, and then I went home to shower and give the little man a bath. I told my mom that I would pick her up at work at 1, and I was going to get there a little early so that I could shop for a coat for my NJ trip(I’m sure it will be quite cold while we are there). So, I hurried out the door…I grabbed my purse, the diaper bag, a cup of juice for little man, a toy car, Bubba’s hand, and I turned the lock on the door. I walked out, and shut the door behind me…Thereby locking my keys in my apartment. CRAP! Okay, the maintenance man is at lunch, the (new) manager’s office is closed. Oh Crap! I have to go to her house. We just got a new manager two weeks ago, and I am not keen on introducing myself by asking for the key to my apartment. Oh well, you do what you have to do, right? I went over and knocked on her apartment door, and it went something like this:
*door opens* hi, I’m NSNM, I live over there, and I totally locked my keys in my apartment. Do you think you could let me in?
Her: Well, it’s my lunch break.
Me: *pausing, dumbfounded* Okaaaay, but could you please just let me in, I’d really appreciate it. I’m sorry to bother you at home.
Her: Yeah okay, give me a few minutes.
Me: Okay, thanks.
I then take little man and sit on the steps for TEN MINUTES!!!! Then, she comes out and walks to the office. She sticks her head out and says:
Her: I don’t have the key to your apartment. You must have changed the locks.
Me: No, We’ve never changed the locks. I know there is a key in there, you guys have gotten in before with no problem.
Her: I’ll look in one more place.
*Goes in the office again*
Her: Nope, I don’t have it, when you get a copy made, you should bring it to the office so that I have a copy.
She then WALKED.INTO.HER.HOUSE. And yes, I was standing outside dumbfounded! Thanks for all your help BIZNITCH! I had to pry open my window and shimmy in and over a bookshelf, and onto my dining room table. I got my keys and left. Oh, I am so writing a letter to property management!
Then, later on, I got my big boys from school, and we went home. My middle son had a lot of homework, so I decided to bring him to work with me. (I am tutoring at the College, he can sit and do his work and I can help him if I am not with a student.) To make a long story short, he ended up spilling an entire 16 ounces of hot chocolate all over my coworkers SDSU homework. I had to Xerox all of his work so that it was fresh and new, and not covered with sticky hot chocolate gooiness. You have no idea how many times I apologized to my coworker! (I must say that he was totally cool about it, even if he was steaming on the inside)
Then, at about 8pm, the boys are all rough housing. I kept saying things like, “cut it out”, “someone’s going to get hurt!”, and “quiet!”. Then, I heard screaming. My oldest and my Bubba cracked heads! It was the back of MO head vs. the front of Bubba’s head. I totally freaked out! It was a giant egg!!!! I had to pin him down to apply ice, and then I was really starting to worry when Bubba was looking drowsy. MO was totally fine, a little weepy, but fine. The two oldest went to bed, mostly because I was freaked out and they were a little scared. Needless to say, the baby is fine and I went to bed and ended “THE DAY FROM HELL!”
10/21/2005 12:37:00 PM
Oh, I am sooo tired! I am typing an essay that has turned out to be like seven pages long, and I am sooooo sick of it. I only have one more long paragraph to write, but I am now at the point in writing it where I don't care.
I just found out that Harry Potter comes out the week before we're in Jersey, so I'm happy about that. And, I was concerned that our trip would have no educational component, and I would be taking the kids out of school for pure frivolity, but now, I am hoping that we can at least go see the Liberty Bell. Then, my kids can take a picture in front of it to show their teachers. I think I'll be off the hook then. What do you think? (Click on the title to learn about the Liberty Bell)
10/19/2005 01:05:00 PM
I can't wait for the new Harry Potter movie to come out! It is a substitute to that hollow feeling I have, waiting on a new book. I visit the website every once in a while, and I'm getting very excited!!!! Click on the title to take you to the website!!! All of you can come with me! We can dress up! We can all go at midnight with the rest of the geeks. Oh God, what if I'm in New Jersey when it comes out?*GASP*
10/19/2005 01:00:00 PM
So, we’re going to New Jersey next month. I am pretty excited about going because I have never been there before, and my NH’s family is there. There are a few of them who couldn’t make it out for the wedding, and I would really like to get to know them. I would also like for them to meet the boys and me, and for us all to get to know each other. I’m pretty nervous, though. I get this nervous chatter thing when I’m around them. I am not normally the kind of person who tries to impress people, but on some level, I know that’s what I’m trying to do when I’m around them. His parents took so long to warm up to me! They had that whole religious block thing going on. You know…we weren’t married, we had a baby, we were living together… That’s why we waited until after the wedding to go out there. If we had gone before we were married (even though Bubba was already born), they were going to make us sleep in separate rooms. Although I appreciate the fact that it is their house, and their beliefs, we chose to wait until after we were married to visit them. So, now is the time. His sister wanted us to go out there for Christmas, but I just couldn’t do it. I am afraid that they don’t really accept my older two boys completely. I don’t want them to feel left out or shunned when our little guy gets all the attention and gifts. So, I’m looking into the weather out there, and making sure we all have appropriate clothing to wear. I can guarantee that we are going to have to get some warmer clothes. It just doesn’t get that cold here in beautiful San Diego!!!!! That’s all for now…time to get off my ass and clean something!!!
Peace Out,
10/12/2005 03:15:00 PM
I am enjoying my life, really. I think I have a relatively fun time. I wish I had more time and more money for travel. That would make a difference, I’m sure. I also wish I had a cleaning service to clean my house. Just to free me up to do other things. Like homework. I’m really slacking with that stuff. I also need to cook better meals for the kids. I need to spend more time with my husband. Maybe I should do some mid-year resolutions. OOOh, maybe I should have a to-do list. I think I’ll do that. That way, I can check things off and feel productive. I wish money would fall out of the sky and land in my lap. Do you think that ever happens? And if it did, would “they” let me keep it? You know who they are, right? I wish I had time to join a club. Or start a club. Maybe even hang out with my friends. I wish all my friends and family lived in a little commune together. We could have so much fun! We would have great coffee, too. I wish I had time to garden. I wish I had some land to grow things. I also want a house and a dog. I also would like to be in a play one day. I bet I could be a great actor. I also want to write a book one day, and I want people to read it. And I want it to change their lives. That’s all for now.
Peace Out,
9/29/2005 08:45:00 PM
Too harsh? Whatever. The rotten governor vetoed the bill that would make gay marriage legal. In the state that houses San Francisco, for God's sake! He then went on to hide behind political rhetoric and double talk. Whatever. He says it will go to the people next year. I hope so. I hope that when it does, more young, open minded people than ever before get off their asses and vote. Click the title above, and it will link you to the full story. I'm just so sad that we live in a country where it isn't okay to spend forever with the person you love, and have that person get all the benefits a straight marriage affords. It's time the institution of marriage was updated. It just makes me sad. I think of my friend, T and his boyfriend M, that should be able to get married and live happily ever after. Society tells you from the time you are very small, that you must grow up, get married, and have a family. So, let them!!!!!
Peace Out,
9/28/2005 08:42:00 AM
This is me and NH just after we got married. Aren't we the cutest? I think we look giddy with happiness! That was such a beautiful day. I wish you could have a new wedding every couple of years. It was so fun to plan, and it was such a fun time for us! Thanks to everyone that came out and celebrated with us!
9/16/2005 10:53:00 AM
My, oh my, am I tired! I am now working two jobs...One, tutoring writing at the college and the other at the Tuxedo shop. I enjoy working, and it's not the working that's making me tired. It is the fact that, because I'm working, my house is falling apart. We are not communicating. The ball has been dropped on more than one occassion. I don't like to point fingers, but I am about to kick NH's ass. Stuff is lying all around the house, there is no gas in HIS car when it's my turn to use it, and he left the dinner I prepared before work on the counter for THREE HOURS!! Then yesterday, I had meetings at the boys school all afternoon/evening, and I forgot my cell phone. I told him I would be home in time to get the boys and take them to my parents' house before my last meeting, and when I got home, noone was there!!! They had already left and were at my parents' house! Which is right by the boys' school!!! I wasted 45 minutes driving, and I had to stop to put gas in his car!!!! ARGH!!!! And he is going fishing this afternoon!!! I know he works hard, but I am a communicator....He needs to work with me. I obviously need to start drinking in the afternoons.
On a side note, I had my oldest in the car with me last week and I was driving him and his friend to our house for a sleepover. I had just gotten off work, and I was listening to them talk in the back seat. MO(my oldest) was telling his friend about my two jobs and he was very proud. He was telling his friend, "and she tutors people in college. She is REALLY smart!" Oh, how happy I was! I try to drill into my kids how important education is, and it just made me feel all teary-eyed and proud that he thinks highly of me...
Peace Out,
9/07/2005 11:25:00 AM
I have/had an old friend from the days when I was married to "the loser". We lived in El Paso(The armpit af America) and he was in the Army. I met a lot of Army wives, and you make friends quick when you have to (you never know when you will be transferred somewhere else). So, I was friends with a girl from West Virginia with two little boys, like me. She was pregnant with her third (a little girl) and we became very close. Half way through her pregnancy, her husband was shipped off to Iraq, and my ex and I were having a lot of problems(thus, the divorce). So, we spent a lot of time together. I was supposed to be in the delivery room when she had her baby, but ex and I split up, and I was leaving, and taking the boys to SD to live with my parents. Well, the day we were packing up my stuff, she called to say she was in labor. My parents and all my neighbors pitched in to pack up my house while I spent the day in the hosbital with her, while she delivered her daughter. I was with her through everything...the epidural, the crying, the pushing, I saw her little baby come into the world, and cried with her. I left the hospital, went home, and finished packing. The next morning, we left, and I never saw them again. We kept in touch through email, and exchanged pictures. Well, she has become a born again Christian and is a devout Republican. I have a lot of Republican friends! I respect everyone's right to their beliefs! Her husband is still in the Army, and he has been to Iraq, and thank God, has made it home safely. She OFTEN emails me emails promoting Bush and his views on the war. She also sends emails bashing the Iraqi people. It bothered me, so much so that I was erasing emails from her without reading them. So, I sent her an email...Here are the three emails sent back and forth....
My email to her:
(name), While I respect your right to your opinion, it is not mine. I love to get emails from you, and I would like to stay in touch. I also support our military 100%! I am a Navy brat, I live in a VERY big military city, and I cry for our soldiers that are fighting in Iraq. I pray for your husband when he goes over to fight. But I am a devout democrat that believes we are fighting a losing battle in Iraq. My husband's family is from New Jersey/New York/Penn, and we were worried about our loved ones during 9-11, but we do not believe that a tragedy should bring about even more tragedy. Terrorism is a horrible thing, and we should do our best to protect ourselves, but going around the world to fight someone we can't find and people we can't identify is a fruitless fight that only brings about sorrow and division in our own country.
I respect your opinions and beliefs, please respect mine. I'm not really interested in getting any more "I love Bush" emails from you. Thanks!
Oh, and since I've gotten so many from you, I thought I would include some of the comics I like...
These are the political cartoons I like! I wish your family the best and I hope everything is going great for you up in Alaska! Send pictures, I've heard it’s beautiful. Make sure you take advantage of your time up there and get some traveling and sight-seeing in!
Take care, (my name)
(Her Response):
Wow, I don't hear from you in years and when I do this is what I get. I just forward what I get sent sorry you are so offended. I believe in what my husband does and I believe that if I or anyone else knew what the President knew and could do what the President does then I'd be President. I'm also not ignorant enough to think that all bad things that happen abroad are Bush's fault. He has a whole panel of adviser's that go in and do research so they can make the best decisions for our country. I honestly have no clue what your little nasty email was in regards to but I promise you can guarantee you won't get anything else from me. I respect your right to have your opinion as ignorant as I feel it may be. But as my friend you are out of line emailing me something out of the blue that is ugly. Again, I forward things that have been sent to me. I'm proud of my husband and what he does and if I get sent emails pro military I pass them on. Remember my husband and my family living with out when you and your new little family are bashing Bush and the military. He fights so people like you can have the right to shit talk. Lose my email! My husband and I have no desire to continue communication with you. I'm sorry you feel the need to get so upset over email forwards. Maybe if you said hey (name) I'm a democrat, I'd have known. Friends don't email friends out of the blew and verbally assault them. I really don't even know what email you are talking about. As for dividing the country, people like you are the culprit. Like it or not he is the ELECTED PRESIDENT for the next few years. The worst thing you can do is be against the government who is trying to keep you safe. People like you are the reason there is division. I never thought of you as such a rude person. Maybe you should take into consideration that not everyone is out to offend you! I wish you and your family the best. I'll add you all to my pray list. I'll pray that because of people like you encouraging terrorists with your anti-gov. crap, we won't be struck again. I'll also thank my husband every night for you that you have the right and ability to tuck you kids in safely every night!
(My final email):
After re-reading my email, and the one that you sent, I don't think that I said anything "ugly" that should have hurt you so much. As I said, I support your husband, and the military. I just don't think we should be fighting this war. I am sorry that you were offended, and felt the need to "erase" me. I have always thought very highly of your family. I was there when your daughter was born! I was not trying to be rude, it seems to me that you guys may be going through some things and your feelings are sitting on the surface of your skin. As far as my family sitting here while your family "goes without", you'll remember that I said my dad proudly served his country in the Navy for twenty years, there were plenty of times we went without. My husband and children don't go without now because we bust our asses. We run a small business, I go to college and work a part time job, all without daycare because our children come first. So don't try and make me feel sorry for you because we are doing well. It is a decision we made to put our family first and strive for a better life for them than we had. Like I said, I support our military, I DO NOT support our president. As far as our presidents advisers, he selected them, of course they are going to say he is right. We have two different viewpoints, (name), I am not a terrorist supporter as you so eloquently stated in your reply. There are democrats living all around you that do not support Bush, that doesn't mean we are opening the doors to terrorists. There are civilians, women and children living in Iraq, too. They are not all terrorists. I just refuse to turn on my back on people. I have my own opinion. If that infuriates you, I'm sorry. I don't think I deserved such an angry response from you. But if you feel the need to "erase" me and pray for me, feel free. We are living a good life, with freedoms that are awarded to us by men like your husband, and others who gave their lives for us. I pray that the rest of those men and women make it home safely. Honestly, take care. I think about you all often with nothing but happy memories. (my name)
8/29/2005 09:41:00 AM
My younger sister is living in a rehab facility. I guess I never went into it before because, well I just didn't. About two years ago, after years of being an addict and getting into varying degrees of trouble, she was arrested and sentenced to a little over a year in jail. She only served 9 months, which was enough. She came out of jail sober. It was the first time I saw my "real" sister in years. She was caring, loving, supportive, and a great aunt and sister. I spent a lot of time with her, and we graduated from college together this last May. She was also a bridesmaid at my wedding in June. If you would have told me two years ago that these things would happen, I would have called you a liar. We used to drive over to my parents' house, and if her car was there, we would leave. I didn't want her around my kids. Now, she babysits, we go to the zoo together, she buys the boys gifts, we take her with us to the movies, and she went with us to Las Vegas! Well, just before Graduation, her probation officer called and said that it was a condition of her sentence that she go into a rehab facility. I cried with her! What if she started using again, being around all those losers? Why were they making her go? Didn't they know that she was doing fine? We all wrote letters, but it didn't matter, they said she had to go. So, a bed opened up in a short term facility two weeks ago, and she's been there ever since. When she went in, she was resolute that she wasn't going to befriend any of those losers, and that she knew she was better than them. She called me every day. A lot. Then, last week, she made a friend. "Oh my God, *****, what are you doing?" Just do what you have to do, don't make friends there! Then a couple of days ago, she tells me she's going out with a new "friend". She stops calling. OMG, she's DATING a guy in there? She can get kicked out and sent back to jail!!!!! WTF???? And this morning, she brings him to NHs business. I guess he is pretty old and has "I've been doing drugs for ages and I've been out in the sun and burned many times" skin. After he left, our co-worker commented that he seemed like an ass hole. AHHHHHH! How embarassing! I called her, and she was on her way to my parents' house with this guy!!!! OMG! For one thing, my mom worked overnight and she's sleeping. For another thing, don't bring him to our parents' home!!!! There have been past boyfriends that have stalked the house after the inevitable break-up! So, I told her that I can't believe she took him to the business, and I can't believe she's taking him to our parents' house and she said....get ready for it...."I'm using good judgement, don't worry." Are you kidding me??? Good judgement???? Where, When???? So, I don't know what to do. Write her off again? I don't want to, I love her. I love having my sister back. I am so upset. And no, I am not going to support her decision to date this guy. When people you love do stupid things, you don't pretend that its okay so as not to rock the boat. ARGH!!! WTF?????
8/22/2005 07:08:00 PM
I was getting revved up to run my errands and be available to my NHs business when his cousin called and wanted me to watch his youngest daughter, who is 3. I said yes, but I was really nervous because she is a little spoiled and has serious separation issues. He dropped her off, and she was so much fun! We walked around the campus and she was so entertaining! My little guy and CD(cousin's daughter) were running around together and when they thought something was funny, they would look at each other and laugh while covering their mouths. OMG, they were so cute! It was such a different experience to be around a little girl, she was so cute and dainty! I want one!!!!! Maybe I can just borrow her from time to time....
Peace Out,
8/21/2005 11:04:00 AM
Yeah! We went out! We went to dinner, and out for a car ride and coffee. Its nice to just be alone. We didn't talk about the kids much, we mostly talked about what we want to do with our life together and what business opportunities are open to us. We both want to get away and be on our own. (Not away from each other, away from business partners, managers, etc...) My NH is so talented and I can't wait until his business takes off. I can't wait until we get away from his loser business partner! Anyway, life is good. The boys are playing outside, the house is quiet, and I slept in today. YEAH! College starts again tomorrow, I am taking a couple online classes so I can keep trucking along! One day, I will finish all of it!
Peace Out,
8/20/2005 12:39:00 PM
I asked my mom to babysit. She said she would if I would pick her up at work yesterday. So, I did. It turned into a huge ordeal, there was traffic, I had all three kids with me, she wanted to buy them milkshakes, I had to go to the coffee company to get smoothie mixes for NH's business, etc... So it ended up taking three hours! So she calls me today and says that she forgot that she promised her friend that she and my dad would go over for dinner. She says she won't be home until 7, which really means 8. Okay, fine, we'll just have a late night out. Well, NH says he has to work tomorrow and its too late to go out. Are we really that old? Is HE really that old? I want time alone with my husband, outside of this house!!!!! Dammit!
Peace Out,
8/19/2005 01:08:00 PM
My little guy is busy. He is really starting to talk and I love it! He is so damn cute. We also got him his first big boy bed, which is just a little toddler bed, but he moves around a lot while he sleeps. Before, in the crib, he couldn't roll out because he was encased in a cage, but now, he rolls right out. We woke up this morning with him lying between us in our bed. No idea how he got there! I just spent months getting him out of our bed! There is no way I want this to continue. Would locking him in his room be heartless and cruel?;) Anyhoo, life seems to not be slowing down. It seems like I always have something to do, and when I don't, I am exhausted and I just want to sit down. My big boys are making me crazy. The oldest has a sharp wit and a sarcastic attitude that makes me want to choke him. I don't, of course, but the urge is there. I swear, I want to apoligize to my mom for all the times I yelled, "All right, GEEZ!!!" at her. Of course, it is accompanied by an eye roll. My middle son moves as slow as molasses. Really. He is so smart, but he is a little space cadet! I love his imagination, but it really shouldn't take three hours to do homework. Thank God my mom is taking the kiddos tomorrow night so that NH and I can go somewhere and look at each other for a while. I hope we don't spend the whole time talking about kids and work.
Peace Out,
8/06/2005 10:02:00 AM
Okay, I have decided that I am going to start a wedding planning business. I loved planning my wedding, and I think I did a damn fine job! So, because of my anal, attention to detail organizational skills, I think this is a perfect job for me. AND, while working at the sweat shop, I am secretely going to solicit business. You know, cuz all those brides coming in need HELP! So, here I am! I'm going to start out not charging much, until I get a good portfolio going, and then just keep going from there! Right now, I'm working on a business name, and then I'm going to try and register the business name this week. And then business cards and a webpage. OOOH, I need to find someone to do the webpage!!!! Okay, I'm getting even more excited!
Peace Out,
8/05/2005 10:00:00 AM
Okay, after reading one of my favorite blogs(Click on the link to take you there), I have decided to create my own list of "Guess the lie" So, I will list five facts about myself, and one will be a total lie...guess which one!
1. I have seen Wizard of Oz over 150 times. I can sing every song and talk along with the characters the entire length of the movie. I'm great fun when it comes on TV and there is a room full of people.
2. I met George Lucas, Whoopie Goldberg, Ted Danson, Woody Harrelson, John Ritter, Sally Field, and many more. I also hyperventelated because I am very easily star-struck.
3. For a week when I was lashing out at my parents and hanging out with the "wrong crowd", I slept in vacant houses on the floor.
4. I have a "secret stash" of money hidden away just in case things don't go well with NH.
5. While we were in high school, my best friend and I ran into Mario Lopez in Tijuana, Mexico in a club. He was wearing full make-up, and it was obvious!
Okay friends, lets see if you can guess the lie! I'm really curious to find out what ya'll think!!!!
Peace Out,
7/27/2005 08:39:00 PM
Okay, I'm not going to ruin the book, but it is oh so sad. I was crying while reading the last few chapters. My oldest son was bringing me tissues and shaking his head at me. (He obviously hasn't read the book, or he would understand) We were in NH's cousin's wedding over the weekend...pictures will follow as soon as I get them back. Oh, I got MY wedding album back, and they are GORGEOUS!!!! I am so happy with the way they turned out!!! We are darling!
I started a new job at After Hours Tux Shop on Monday. It is brainless, mind-numbing labor, but I like to shop, so I need some spending money! So far, three things have come to my attention that make me want to quit:
1. I have to sew. I hate sewing. If I enjoyed it, I would sew our own clothes. I don't like to prick my finger, I don't like standing for 20 minutes while I fix a hem, I just don't like it!!!
2. I have to iron. Now, those of you that know me know that about ten years ago during the summer, I worked at a dry cleaner. I like to call it the "sweat shop". I spent the entire day ironing men's dress shirts. Now, when you hit the armpit on said shirts, all the sweat of a thousand stinks come out of the steam offending your nostrils. There was no air conditioning, it was in the summer in east county, and I had to stand up for hours over an ironing board. Ever since I quit that job, I haven't ironed. Seriously. I either buy clothes that don't need to be ironed, have someone else iron it, or wear it wrinkly. I hate ironing.
3. I can't wear open toed shoes. I get pretty little pedicures for a reason! Plus, its summer and I have so many pairs of cute sandles!!!!
Anyway, its just something to keep me busy. Like I'm not busy enough. My NH is now home, so its time for me to fulfill my wifely duties.
Peace Out,
7/19/2005 10:50:00 AM
I am taking a break from reading to let everyone know that I am scared to finish this book. I have heard that someone dies and it is so very sad! I'm actually reading this one much slower than I read any other. I'm afraid. Oh, it's so silly!
I have in-laws coming in starting tonight. I am not as happy as I ought to be. I am in a wedding on Saturday. Once again, my NH and I will be walking down the aisle together, this time as attendants. I'll post pics.
The big boys are back in school today, and I couldn't be happier! They both got great teachers, and I am tickled pink!!!!!!!
One of my best friends is mad at me because I stated the obvious to him and he got his feathers all ruffled up. I'm giving him a few days to calm down before I call. Believe me, I am not sorry. But, I will call him. He'll get over it.
Peace Out,
7/12/2005 04:22:00 PM

My NH and I one month before the wedding!!!
7/12/2005 02:54:00 PM
I have a problem. I was watching the first Harry Potter movie the other day and I noticed during the Quidditch match that the spectators were all wearing super cool scarves. They were a beautiful red and gold and I thought they looked so pretty. Yeah, well, I'm crocheting some. Yeah, some. I think I'll make them for the whole family. Maybe some friends, too. I already started, and boy is it nice. Maybe we'll all wear them on opening day of the movie this winter. Yeah, I know, mock me. Go ahead. I'm kind of mocking myself. I hope this phase passes.....
Peace Out,
7/12/2005 02:37:00 PM
I have decided that it is time for men to change their names when they get married. I don't know how it is in other places around the U.S., but here in beautiful San Diego, it takes FOREVER to be seen at the Social Security Office and the DMV. There is a large number of people who immigrate to our country and reside in southern California. I think they were all at the Social Security office this morning. I thought to myself "Self, I have an appointment at the DMV at 9:45, surely if I get to the SS office at 8:45, I will make that appt." NOT!!!! I was there until 11:15! Good God!!! So, I had to reschedule my appt at the DMV. ARGH! Just a simple name change. Right. So, I have started to speak in a strange pirate language to alleviate my stress and frustration. ARGH!
Peace Out,
7/08/2005 01:23:00 PM
Harry Potter!!!! Seven Days!!! I am so excited! I just read book 5 all over again and I am sort of sad and anxious. I can't wait for the next one. Maybe to ease my withdrawal, I will read the fourth one again.
Just got back from the pool with the kids. It was pretty fun! Last year, our little Bubba wasn't at all afraid of swimming, but now he's all scared. So, I guess we're going to have to visit the pool more often so that he's not scared anymore. Cool!!!! I'm game. The other two are doing pretty good. Randy is like a fish, Riley would be doing well if he wasn't so insecure. He really is amazing, if he would just realize it, he would be unstoppable!!!!
Life is getting back to normal.
Peace Out,
7/07/2005 08:58:00 PM

Me with my hot Vegas look
7/07/2005 08:56:00 PM

our family with Pete Rose!!
7/07/2005 08:55:00 PM

Bubba in hotel
7/07/2005 12:38:00 PM
We're not going to move. I don't really know how to feel about this. I'm happy, in a way, because I love San Diego. It is GORGEOUS here, and there is so much to do and it is a perfectly diverse environment to raise a family, but I wanted a house, dammit! I wanted a dog and another baby, maybe! I can cope, really. Life is good here. The boys go back to school in less than two weeks, so its time for me to get in back-to-school mode. You know, school clothes buying, new shoes, haircuts! And since we're not moving, I need to get them into some activities to keep them busy.
Okay, random thoughts....
1. I love Sesame Street. I was raised on it, my kids are being raised on it, my little Bubba loves it!!! But WTF! What's this I hear about them changing Cookie Monster?????? Into carrot monster or something??? If your kids are fat, I promise, its not because cookie monster likes to eat cookies!!! Stupid!
2. Tom Cruise. I think he has a valid point with the over medicated society thing. BUT...he came off as a nut job, rude, inerrupting, Scientology freak. He sounded extremely mean spirited, and that is NOT COOL!
3. Cussing kids. There is nothing worse than hearing an eleven or twelve year old cute, babyfaced kid, say mother *!$ker! I swear, I want to take them aside, spank them, and put soap in their mouths! (well, someone should!)
4. Gay rights. I am obviously not gay. BUT, I do have a lot of opinions on the subject. One of my very best friends is gay and I love him and his boyfriend. I think they should be allowed to get married and share the same joy that we do. This is America, after all. What is George afraid of? By the way, Rock on Spain for making it legal, and Rock on to Canada, too. It will be legal there by the end of July!
Okay, I am done ranting for now. I feel a little better.
By the way, Vegas was pretty fun! It was damn hot(108), even at night(90)! We had a good time, though! I'll post pics!
Peace out,
6/29/2005 11:30:00 AM
So, my kids are on vacation I have graduated from college, and I am married. What am I going to do now????? We are still discussing moving from beautiful San Diego to Dallas, Texas. A few months ago, we were totally going. Then all of a sudden, a couple of weeks ago, my new husband jumped onto the fence about it. What??? So, am I now depending on my NH to make all the decisions for me? Do I want to move? I don't even know! Part of me wants my oldest to finish out his sixth grade year at this school he's gone to his whole life, but then my middle son would be missing out, too. That's really a no-win situation. Part of me wants to stay here and be with my friends. Part of me wants to go there and have a huge house. (Because there, you can get a HUGE house for what a tiny, one bedroom shack costs here.) The same houses that cost 200k there, cost 900k here. DAMN! Anyway, I would like a dog and a yard instead of apartment dwelling. I think maybe I would like to have another baby. I would like my NH to dump his business partner(he is absolutely AWFUL!!!) If we stay here, I would like to start a business, and continue with school. I guess I could be happy either way. I just would like to feel secure. Not all up in the air waiting for a decision to be made, you know?
So, what am I doing....I am writing thank you notes, making dr appointments, and packing for Vegas. That's right baby, we are going on our familymoon. Similiar to a honeymoon, but with the whole family. It will be a blast! We are leaving tomorrow night and coming back Sun/Mon. Woo Hoo!!!!
Today is my middle son's birthday. We are going to Fuddruckers for dinner. Next week, we are having kids over for "going to the movies birthday party". We are totally going to see "Shark Boy and Lava Girl". That's right, we're doing the party in 3-D. Cool!!! My little baby "bubba hoozie" is two!!! He turned two last friday! We also went to Fuddruckers for his birthday!!!! I guess we like it there! So, thats it for my update. Life is good.
Peace out,
6/07/2005 11:07:00 AM
Woo Hoo! The wedding was last Friday and I think it was beautiful! I am so proud of how well my mom and I (and my girls) all pulled together to make it a wonderful event. I think it was a testament to how much we all care for and support each other. It really turned out great. Jason and I were both moved to tears during the ceremony and I can't even begin to tell you what that meant to me. I always knew Jason loved me, but just to be there and really FEEL that love and SEE how much it affected him really touched me. Everyone was really moved by the ceremony. We had a family ceremony, too. We said "vows" to our boys and it just all felt right. Of course, it wasn't perfect, the baby was sick and had a few moments, but we excpected something, so we weren't upset at all. And there was one person, who I will refer to as "Grimace" who made me a touch angry, but I have decided to just let it go....It is actually very sad. She felt the need to try and steal our thunder because she wanted to have a say in it, and I didn't let her. So, she spent the evening trying to take over whatever she could. All it did was make some of my guests angry and make her look desperate. Anyway... I'm happy. She has gone back to the dark side, away from me, and I am living here, happy as a clam!=) I'll post a picture when I get them back!!! I suppose I should have more time to write now that I have graduated and the wedding is over....we'll see!!!!
Peace out,
5/17/2005 10:13:00 AM
Oh......It was soooooooo fun! We went to a dinner show that was set up like a wedding and a reception. The audience sits at reception tables and participates like guests. The show was an Italian wedding complete with Grandma Loni and a Italian mom with a giant ass! All the guys were named Tony and Louie and the girls all had teased hair. It was great! It was all the things you don't want at your wedding. The bridesmaids carried their purses down the aisle (all mismatched, animal print and neon) and one of the groomsmen had a Boston Red Sox emblem on a chain around his neck. The bride tripped going down the aisle, and the ex girlfriend showed up in a 2 inch mini with fishnets. It was great and I was shnookered! We all did the chicken dance, Dancing Queen, and the electric slide. My maid of honor and I got a lap dance(clean) by the groomsmen! It was sooooo funny! Then, we went driving around downtown in a convertible that was decked out for the occasion. After that, we went to my MOH's house for our slumber party! I really did have a great time and I'm so glad that it was just the 5 of us. It was a perfect amount of people, we all fit in the convertible! I haven't talked to the girls from the coffee cart since before the bridal shower and none of them have made an attempt to contact me. It's all good, baby! No love lost. It's kind of like I now know where we all stand with each other! Anyways.....Only two and a half weeks until the wedding!!!!!! Just around the corner! Oh, and I graduate next Friday!!!! Woo Hoo!!!!!!!
Peace Out,
5/10/2005 08:46:00 PM
Okay,so I had my bridal shower on Saturday, and I really had a great time. The women were all fun and they decorated beautifully!!!! But, the bitches from the coffee place(see link) that my fiance owns never showed. I worked there for years and I thought they were my friends. They all RSVPd to my sister, and only one called at the last minute to say she had too much homework. Give me a break. I don't like too many women and this just reinforces my dislike for females. It really hurt me. I don't usually get hurt that easily, but I was really let down. I guess mostly because I really thought I could count on them being there. I know I'm hurt more than pissed because I can't even bring myself to yell at them. I just well up when I think about it. I guess it shouldn't bother me so much. I should be concentrating on the good things and just let it go....Three and a half weeks until the wedding!!!!!
5/03/2005 11:51:00 AM
My 20-11th birthday was last friday and my wonderful man gave me an engagement ring! It's soooo pretty! It's just what I wanted!!! We are getting married in one month and I am getting super anxiety-ridden. I am not at all worried about getting married...I am worried that the wedding won't go perfect. I know that is totally stupid because there is no way that it will go off without something being off. I just want it all to come together. I am an over-planner, and I keep worrying that I have forgotten something! AHHHHHHHH! I really do think it will be beautiful, I want everyone to have a good time and feel comfortable. That will be interesting. I have been doing all the planning myself, with the help of my mom and bridal party. Now, on the final stretch, his family has offered to help. Since I asked them months ago for help, to no avail, I am laughing to myself. I don't want their help. Now its like a challenge to prove that I can do it myself, ya know???? I have sooooo much going on in the next month! I am aslo graduating from college on the 27th. Woo Hoo!!!! Everything is going pretty good.......
4/16/2005 01:19:00 PM

this is me close up....
4/15/2005 03:05:00 PM
I was in an accident last Saturday. A thousand year old woman pulled in front of me and stopped when the light was green and traffic was going fifty. The left turn lanes were full, and I was not in it. I was going straight. She said she performed this STUPID feat because she wanted to turn left. WHATEVER!!!!!!! So, now my van is totalled and I am dealing with insurance companies waiting for her insurance company to realize that there is no way that it was my fault! So, I'm driving around a rental that has no balls and it's not a minivan so the boys are sitting RIGHT BEHIND ME! They can be quite loud and irritating sitting that close to each other. Anyway, it was just my mom and I in the car at the time and we are both alive, thank God. We are both sore and seeking medical attention, I'll let you know how that goes....
So, I am planning my June wedding, and things are going good. My invitations are beautiful, my bestest friend C made them for me and she is so wonderfully talented with that sort of thing!!! All is trucking along wonderfully. I'm still having some issues with the in-laws. No, I think they have issues with me and I am getting my feelings hurt and changing to "protection" mode. The "if-you-don't-like-me then I-don't-like-you" thing. It's interesting how that happens. Thank God they live so far away.
I am also dieting a little. It sucks. I just want to lose a little, not a lot. Just so I feel good about myself again. I would like to be at the point I was before I had our baby.
The boys are back at school. Awesome!!!! It's nice to be able to get things done again. It's nice to feel like the house can be clean again.
Okay, time to play referee again. I need a vacation.....
Peace out,
4/03/2005 02:21:00 PM
Okay, I haven't written in a while. I have a little bit of guilt about this. I don't know if guilt is the right word, but that's the one I'm using. Anyway, I've been busy with a lot of nothing lately. Well, not exactly nothing, but it's been a lot of kid stuff and I'm sure most people would not think that it's very important. We went to the zoo and the wild animal park to keep the kids busy. I love year round school most of the time, but when they're home longer than my spring break was, I get a little annoyed. So, I've been feeling really lazy. I'm used to running around with the little guy, but now, if I try to run errands or something, I hear the older two complaining the whole time. "When are we going home????" "Where are we going NOW???" Like they can't stand to be away from the play station or the computer for an extended period of time. Because God knows, they won't play outside unless there is someone to play WITH. Forget the fact that there are two of them! Anyway, I'd like to take this opportunity to point out that I know my kids are not perfect. Half the time, when my kids get in trouble with some other kids, they were the ringleaders. BUT, the other half the time, it was the other kids idea. Now, I am always willing to admit my child's faults. What I can't stand is these parents who really believe that their child can do no wrong. I especially love the phrase, "Not my Danny...He wouldn't do that! He doesn't even know how to do that!" Because really, our children are a lot smarter than we give them credit for. Not to mention, if you don't talk to your child or eavesdrop every once in a while, you have no idea!!!! I just hope one day parents step up and realize the little people that they are creating. And also know that although they are born pure, the older they get, the more stuff they figure out. They are going to get in trouble, and they are going to be the cause of it. Deal with it.
Peace out,
3/19/2005 12:46:00 PM
You know, I was just sitting around thinking that, at some point, it will be very quiet around here. Right now, it's like in the movies when you see someone sitting quietly and the movie is sped up around them. Only I don't ever sit quietly for very long. Anyway, I realize that I am used to a steady hum of noise around me. Like in a mall or an airport. There is always something going on in my house. Or someone is always crying or yelling about someone hitting them or tripping them. Or someone is always hungry or wants a drink. Not that I'm complaining, I love it here. But I'm wondering if I will ever miss the noise. I've noticed that I bitch about getting away from all of them, but when I'm away for an extended period of time, I start to ache for them. Warped. Sometimes I want to just yell out, like in those old commercials "Take Me Away!!!!!" Like when my middle son forgets his homework for the 12th time this month or my older son says "whatever" and rolls his eyes, or when I have changed 4 poopy diapers in an hour and a half and the baby is screaming because he can't pull his toy out from under the couch. Then, at night, it gets all quiet and I look at them sleeping and I think they look like angels. Too bad they are just resting demons.....
Peace out,
3/16/2005 06:46:00 PM
After writing my intro, I was so busy with life and children that I haven't had any time to follow up, so here goes...
I want to point out that I am a YOUNG mom of three boys. Most people don't even believe that I'm a mom. Sometimes I don't know if this is a compliment or not. Is it because I look young or because I am immature? I hope that I can still connect with my kids in a few years. I hope that they aren't embarrassed by their mom who still THINKS she's cool.
I'm sitting here with my 20 month old son who is playing with a toy drill. He is alternating between trying to drill up my nose and holding it to his head. I hope he doesn't grow up to be a carpenter. He could hurt somebody.
I suppose this blog was supposed to be a sort of catharsis for me. I suppose that I should write about meaningful things. One thing I want to say is that I used to be a caring person. My mom used to say that a bug couldn't fall out of a tree without me crying over it. Then, some crappy stuff happened. I was married to an awful boy that abused me-body and soul. I got my two sons out and ran. I was only 23. So, I built up a wall because I had a lot to do. I had to be strong for my boys and I wasn't EVER going to let anyone hurt us again. So now, I care, but I'm mostly a bitch. I found a wonderful man who knows how to handle me and never raises his voice or his hands to me. We have another son together and we're REALLY happy. I finally found out what love really feels like and how nice it can be. I adore my man and our boys. But yeah, I'm still a sarcastic bitch.
For the most part, I think people suck. I hate stupidity. Maybe it's because it's a flaw you can fix. Go to school, read a book, watch Jeapardy or the Discovery channel, SOMETHING! Just stop being a stupid moron! Stay home until you have learned enough to be released into the public. I've heard a saying that goes something like, "There's no such thing as a stupid question". Let me tell you, I've heard a truckload of stupid questions! Kids are cute when they ask a simple question, but when you are an adult, you should know better!
Okay, that's enough for now, I have life to do.
Peace Out,
3/09/2005 09:48:00 PM
Okay, this is going to be short becuase I wasn't prepared for a speech just yet... I am a mother of three boys. If anyone reading this is a parent of even just one boy, or even knows a boy, you will be able to relate. Boys are not nice. They are full of mischief and they are determined to take over and drive me to madness. I seriously have visions of them talking it over at night, plotting ways to make me crack slowly, so it's not so obvious. Anyway, I digress... I wanted to start a blog for a few reasons.
One- My friends did it, and I think its cool
Two- I'm tired of reading cheesy magazines about super moms that have all the time in the world to create masterpieces with their children, drive the soccer van, sew their children's clothes, make culinary art in the kitchen every night, and then satisfy their men every night.
And Three- I wanted to add just one more thing to my "to do" list.
Okay, so this blog is going to be a place for me to vent about motherhood, school, society in general, and things that really annoy me(believe me, there are a lot). I want to talk about how things really happen in real life. I want to prove that it's okay to be a good mom without being a super mom. I want people to know that there is some middle ground between magazine wonder mom and andrea yates(the portrait of bad mother). Anyway...that's as brief as I can be....there will be much more to come and it will be wonderful!