busy doing nothing

4/03/2005 02:21:00 PM 0 Comments »
Okay, I haven't written in a while. I have a little bit of guilt about this. I don't know if guilt is the right word, but that's the one I'm using. Anyway, I've been busy with a lot of nothing lately. Well, not exactly nothing, but it's been a lot of kid stuff and I'm sure most people would not think that it's very important. We went to the zoo and the wild animal park to keep the kids busy. I love year round school most of the time, but when they're home longer than my spring break was, I get a little annoyed. So, I've been feeling really lazy. I'm used to running around with the little guy, but now, if I try to run errands or something, I hear the older two complaining the whole time. "When are we going home????" "Where are we going NOW???" Like they can't stand to be away from the play station or the computer for an extended period of time. Because God knows, they won't play outside unless there is someone to play WITH. Forget the fact that there are two of them! Anyway, I'd like to take this opportunity to point out that I know my kids are not perfect. Half the time, when my kids get in trouble with some other kids, they were the ringleaders. BUT, the other half the time, it was the other kids idea. Now, I am always willing to admit my child's faults. What I can't stand is these parents who really believe that their child can do no wrong. I especially love the phrase, "Not my Danny...He wouldn't do that! He doesn't even know how to do that!" Because really, our children are a lot smarter than we give them credit for. Not to mention, if you don't talk to your child or eavesdrop every once in a while, you have no idea!!!! I just hope one day parents step up and realize the little people that they are creating. And also know that although they are born pure, the older they get, the more stuff they figure out. They are going to get in trouble, and they are going to be the cause of it. Deal with it.
Peace out,

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