Are You Kidding Me?????

8/29/2005 09:41:00 AM 0 Comments »
My younger sister is living in a rehab facility. I guess I never went into it before because, well I just didn't. About two years ago, after years of being an addict and getting into varying degrees of trouble, she was arrested and sentenced to a little over a year in jail. She only served 9 months, which was enough. She came out of jail sober. It was the first time I saw my "real" sister in years. She was caring, loving, supportive, and a great aunt and sister. I spent a lot of time with her, and we graduated from college together this last May. She was also a bridesmaid at my wedding in June. If you would have told me two years ago that these things would happen, I would have called you a liar. We used to drive over to my parents' house, and if her car was there, we would leave. I didn't want her around my kids. Now, she babysits, we go to the zoo together, she buys the boys gifts, we take her with us to the movies, and she went with us to Las Vegas! Well, just before Graduation, her probation officer called and said that it was a condition of her sentence that she go into a rehab facility. I cried with her! What if she started using again, being around all those losers? Why were they making her go? Didn't they know that she was doing fine? We all wrote letters, but it didn't matter, they said she had to go. So, a bed opened up in a short term facility two weeks ago, and she's been there ever since. When she went in, she was resolute that she wasn't going to befriend any of those losers, and that she knew she was better than them. She called me every day. A lot. Then, last week, she made a friend. "Oh my God, *****, what are you doing?" Just do what you have to do, don't make friends there! Then a couple of days ago, she tells me she's going out with a new "friend". She stops calling. OMG, she's DATING a guy in there? She can get kicked out and sent back to jail!!!!! WTF???? And this morning, she brings him to NHs business. I guess he is pretty old and has "I've been doing drugs for ages and I've been out in the sun and burned many times" skin. After he left, our co-worker commented that he seemed like an ass hole. AHHHHHH! How embarassing! I called her, and she was on her way to my parents' house with this guy!!!! OMG! For one thing, my mom worked overnight and she's sleeping. For another thing, don't bring him to our parents' home!!!! There have been past boyfriends that have stalked the house after the inevitable break-up! So, I told her that I can't believe she took him to the business, and I can't believe she's taking him to our parents' house and she said....get ready for it...."I'm using good judgement, don't worry." Are you kidding me??? Good judgement???? Where, When???? So, I don't know what to do. Write her off again? I don't want to, I love her. I love having my sister back. I am so upset. And no, I am not going to support her decision to date this guy. When people you love do stupid things, you don't pretend that its okay so as not to rock the boat. ARGH!!! WTF?????

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