Crazy, Crazy, Crazy...

4/24/2006 11:43:00 AM 2 Comments »
Am I about to win the Mother of the Year Award or what???? I have a mountain of essays to write, and a presentation to get together for work, and I am spending countless hours staring at the computer and neglecting my little Bubba. So, he is alternating between Dora the Explorer and playing cars(which he loves). I sing to him and get up every once in a while to kiss and hug him, but I know that's not enough. I've decided I'm going to really buckle down and do all this work when I don't want to, so I can get it done soon and focus on other things. I think I am focusing on so many other things and not really, that's what I'm going to work on!!!!! Argh!!!! I should just take my own advice and not watch Medium tonight, or read that really good novel that I like....I should just focus on boring old American History and get these essays done!!! Also, my birthday is this Saturday and we're trying to buy a house, so I have a little stress build-up, ya know?????? Back to work...
Peace Out, Mom
BTW....I got Bubba to say "peace out", but he says, "A-peace out":-)

Mi Casa

4/18/2006 02:04:00 PM 2 Comments »
So, we are trying to buy a new house. Right now we rent a three bedroom apartment, but we would really like to own our own home. It is not too easy a feat in this southern California market where the median home price is around 650k. We are waiting on the loan approval, and we have already started to look at homes, mostly four bedroom condos. I'm starting to stress a bit. It is exciting...I like the thought of painting walls and designing the interior of a home, but the money aspect is a little overwhelming. The kids are excited, mostly because they want a dog. I hope NH and I can make it through all this without killing each other!
On a different note...I am teaching a workshop next week at the college, and I am stressing out about that also. I also have a 20 page story, and eight page research paper and three essays due by next week. Good God, what am I thinking????? I would really like to go to Earth Day this weekend at Balboa Park to unwind(I almost typed rewind:-) We'll see how everything's going!!!!
*skips off to write papers*
Peace Out,

Those crazy kids

4/11/2006 10:37:00 PM 2 Comments »

Those crazy kids
Originally uploaded by not-so-normal-mom.
Here is the pack at the San Diego Zoo. We had a great time. It's amazing how so many kids with so many different personalities can mesh so well. I enjoy having them all together, and at the end of the day, I don't want to kill any of them! I always tell people, going from one child to two is the hardest. Once you figure that out, the rest is gravy. Especially when there are this many of them. They tend to travel in a pack and look out for each other. Really, it's a blast and I enjoy every one of them.
Peace Out,

fishing day

4/02/2006 10:39:00 PM 2 Comments »

fishing with dad
Originally uploaded by not-so-normal-mom.
Just a sample of the new pictures that I added to the Flickr thingy on the right. We went fishing last week with our friends and we caught the jackpot fish! It was a pretty big Salmon Grouper!! We had a great time and only two of our ten-person party got sick. Not too bad. Everyone got a chance to reel in a fish except for my lovely friend who was doing her duty to watch over her children. She helped them reel them in, but never caught one on her own. Maybe next time! I love this picture of my NH and my MS. They look adorable!