Life goes on...

7/27/2005 08:39:00 PM 2 Comments »
Okay, I'm not going to ruin the book, but it is oh so sad. I was crying while reading the last few chapters. My oldest son was bringing me tissues and shaking his head at me. (He obviously hasn't read the book, or he would understand) We were in NH's cousin's wedding over the will follow as soon as I get them back. Oh, I got MY wedding album back, and they are GORGEOUS!!!! I am so happy with the way they turned out!!! We are darling!
I started a new job at After Hours Tux Shop on Monday. It is brainless, mind-numbing labor, but I like to shop, so I need some spending money! So far, three things have come to my attention that make me want to quit:
1. I have to sew. I hate sewing. If I enjoyed it, I would sew our own clothes. I don't like to prick my finger, I don't like standing for 20 minutes while I fix a hem, I just don't like it!!!
2. I have to iron. Now, those of you that know me know that about ten years ago during the summer, I worked at a dry cleaner. I like to call it the "sweat shop". I spent the entire day ironing men's dress shirts. Now, when you hit the armpit on said shirts, all the sweat of a thousand stinks come out of the steam offending your nostrils. There was no air conditioning, it was in the summer in east county, and I had to stand up for hours over an ironing board. Ever since I quit that job, I haven't ironed. Seriously. I either buy clothes that don't need to be ironed, have someone else iron it, or wear it wrinkly. I hate ironing.
3. I can't wear open toed shoes. I get pretty little pedicures for a reason! Plus, its summer and I have so many pairs of cute sandles!!!!
Anyway, its just something to keep me busy. Like I'm not busy enough. My NH is now home, so its time for me to fulfill my wifely duties.
Peace Out,

2 comment/s:

Bloggy said...

How about some titty shots?

And fuck the sweatshop. Get a BA and a real job, woman. Slavery was outlawed a long time ago.

Bloggy said...

I was bad to say the above. About the shots, I mean. The rest is totally right on.