
6/14/2007 09:53:00 AM 3 Comments »
I have some time on my hands. I'm applying for other part-time jobs because the Writing Center hours are limited in the Summer, and I need money. I was thinking last night about how I hate the idea that money rules most of what we do. I want things, and even though those things don't directly cost money, they need money to work. For example, I really want another baby. Really. The boys talk about it all the time, too. And I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't have another one after I turned 35, which is two years away. Not only for my health and the health of the baby, but because who wants an old mommy and daddy?
I also need to finish school.I want to get on with my life. BUT, I don't know how much school I could get done with a new baby. I don't know. Maybe I'm incredibly selfish.
Really, I'm very happy. My family rocks and my marriage is just wonderful. My husband is the best. We have begun the process to have him adopt the big boys. They have considered him their dad for so long, it seems silly to have to jump through all these hoops to make it happen. It's time that they have his last name. We're a family.
Anyway, everything is good. Just thinking out loud.
Peace Out,

3 comment/s:

Well-heeled mom said...

You do seem to be posting much more these days so I figured it had something to do with summer. It's nice to hear from you more often! As far as being too old? I'm much older than you and I think a child wouldn't care as long as he was loved.

Not-So-Normal-Mom said...

I don't think I meant old...I think I meant tired. I have three boys already, and I'm afraid that maybe all of my energy is spent. My last pregnancy was hard on my body, much harder than it was on my 19 year old body. We have discussed adopting an older child, and that's still an option if we don't have a child in the next couple of years. I didn't mean to sound like such an ageist. That's icky. Sometimes I just come off sounding extremely bitchy and callous, which is not my intention.

Beth said...

I think that if he has a great relationship with your sons, and your sons look to him as their dad, you should go ahead with the adoptions, regardless. I wanted my step father to adopt me. He was my dad in every asspect of life. But because he was terminally ill he couldn't. I still use his last name from time to time (off the records though)