I've Finished

7/25/2007 10:54:00 AM 1 Comment »

I am so very happy to report that the spoiler that I read last week before the book came out was a complete fake. A good fake, but it was still a fake. So, I read the book with a joyful heart. I'm not going to post any spoilers because again, I don't do that sort of thing, but it was pretty darn good. I pattern my mothering skills after Mrs.Weasley. I think she was an awesome, real character. I don't know how I fell about the ending, but I do know that I am sad that the series has ended. While reading the book, I openly laughed, wept, and cheered. JK Rowling really has an amazing imagination. She has created a world with complete backstories, amazing characters, and a serious attention to detail. Anyway, to sum it all up...It was great. Bye, Harry...I'll be seeing you again when I reread your story to little man in a few years!
Peace Out,

1 comment/s:

Well-heeled mom said...

I'm looking forward to the day that The Boy wants me to read the series to him, too.