Old and Married...

8/02/2007 09:39:00 AM 3 Comments »

After a great night, a thought crossed my mind...One of the downsides to being married is that I can no longer call my girlfriends and share with them how great the sex I have is. Once you get married, you move from being a sexual being to someone who is a wife and mother. Sometimes I'm just itching to share intimate details of my marriage...let's say that I just want to brag. BUT, I have noone in my life that wants to hear about it. Bummer.

Peace Out,


3 comment/s:

Well-heeled mom said...

You're right. It just isn't something you talk about much once you are married.

tagaccat said...

Says who? That's bogus. Great sex is great sex, no matter with whom you have it! (There. Had to be grammatically correct.)

Not-So-Normal-Mom said...

Thanks.;-) I'll email you later and tell you all about it!!!;-)