Good Times...

8/07/2007 09:39:00 AM 1 Comment »

We went camping last weekend at Cuyamaca. It was great fun; we even brought the dog. She was pretty awesomely dirty! My husband threw her in the lake a couple of times to try to get some of the dirt off of her, but I don't think it helped much! We had a great time with the kids. Everyone really had a good time spending quality time together. We played cards and cooked things on the open fire. We went for a couple of walks and paddle-boated on the lake. Mostly, we talked and relaxed. It was nice to be away from things for a while and chill. My camera is broken, which really super sucks, so I don't have any pictures. Sadness.

Peace Out,


1 comment/s:

tagaccat said...

The best pictures are imbedded in your brain cells...