Little Man

8/27/2007 05:29:00 PM 1 Comment »
My little man started daycare last week. It really is heart-wrenching for me! At first, he really wanted to go, and he wanted me to leave him there. However, now he cries because he doesn't want to go. We wake up very early, and God knows he is not an early morning kind of guy! So, he starts off the day in a foul mood. By the time we get there, he has told me about 45 times that he doesn't want to go. He also says really heart breaking things like "why do you want to leave me momma?" and "Will you miss me all day?" Geez, talk about a guilt trip. Believe me, I would MUCH rather be with him!! He is the first of my children to go to daycare, and I'm really torn up about it. I don't like it at all. The facility is fantastic, and the teachers are wonderful, but I would just rather be with him, you know??? So how long will this protest last??? Will there come a time where he just goes to daycare without all of the fuss? Oh my, this is going to be interesting.
Peace Out,

1 comment/s:

Well-heeled mom said...

There is nothing worse than that. I hope it gets easier for both of you.