Poor puppy

2/21/2007 03:42:00 PM 2 Comments »
Emmy got hurt going down the stairs over the weekend. I took her to the vet and 225 dollars later, they told me she had hurt her ACL. Just like a football player! So now, she's a three-legged dog until her injury heals. They told me to keep her still, but she's a four month old pup for God's sake! She's actually learning to maneuver with three legs, and I'm anxious for her to be well. We are not allowed to walk her and I haven't been taking her on car rides, either. She's not a happy pup. She is also very smart and doesn't eat her pill when I mix it with food. I think I've tried everything! My sister suggested peanut butter, but she ate all the PB and left the pill. Smart girl!!! I am convinced that mutts are very smart cookies!

On another note...Since I updated, I am having issues getting my Flickr up. I can't figure the darn thing out! I would also like to figure out how to put little badges on my blog. One day, I'll have time to sit down and learn this stuff.
Peace Out,

2 comment/s:

Well-heeled mom said...

ACL injuries are so dangerous. That is the reason my old lab is now on so much Rimadyl - an old injury that just gives him fits in his old age. Dogs are so wonderful - if only we could rationalize with them!

Not-So-Normal-Mom said...

God-I hope she doesn't have any lasting issues with this!! She's sprinting around on three legs, and the vet wants me to sedate her, but I just can't do it!