Another Step...

2/22/2007 10:28:00 AM 0 Comments »

I heard on "The View" this morning that Wimbledon will be paying the female winners of Wimbledon the same amount that they pay the male winners. Awesome! If only women were on a level playing field in other sports as well! Like golf. I know that women's basketball isn't as popular, so I don't know if I could rationalize the women getting paid the same amount, but when they are doing the same thing, and getting the same amount of viewers...I think they should be paid the same amount.

On another note...I kept telling myself that I wasn't going to comment on the whole thing, but I just can't help myself. Dear God, please let Anna Nicole be buried next to her son and let her lie in peace. The woman bought a plot next to her son...put her in it!!! They need to stop fighting, and just let her go. It is so damn stupid!!! And...swab every man that ever slept with her around the time she got pregnant...test them all...and figure out who that baby's father is!!! We are supposed to do what's best for the children in this country; why isn't anyone stepping forward to do what's right for this little baby???

Okay...done ranting.
Peace Out,
Update: I heard that the judge allowed the baby's attorney to make the decision. Right on! So, she's going to be buried next to her son after all! Lets hope all is laid to rest with her.

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