
1/08/2009 12:06:00 AM 1 Comment »
I was watching the movie Marley and Me today with my mom and I was marveling at how well Jen Aniston plays the "mommy" role. She was a natural. She was very maternal and frustrated and loving, all rolled into one (when warranted and at different times, of course). Then, it got me thinking about Steve Martin. He has played a father in some of my favorite movies-Parenthood, for example. And similar to Jen Aniston, he doesn't have children of his own. However, he plays a great dad.

So why did I start thinking about all of these actors who play parents, without kids of their own? Well, I was wondering just how much of our parenting is an act. Are we mirroring our behaviors on what we think is right because that's what we see other parents doing? How much of our parenting is learned from other's behaviors? Please, don't get me wrong, I'm not challenging anyone's genuine love of the kids, but are there times when we really don't feel up to it, yet we shake it out, like we're prepping for a role, and give it our best grammy-winning performance?

I started thinking about my own performances-like when I had a large snake dropped in my lap by my niece and nephews as the kids looked on, and I grinned and pretended that the slithering creature didn't scare me just a little bit. Or all the times that I pretend that my little scribblers are the next Rembrandts. I mean, that is an act, right?

Again, I love my kids to death, but there are those moments when I'm just not feeling the moment, but I ACT like I do.

Just some random thoughts on a Wednesday...

Peace Out,

1 comment/s:

Anonymous said...

Yeah--I've done that. Parenting. marriage, work... you can't be "there" 24/7. It's just not possible (especially if your schedule demands it...and what mom's schedule doesn't???)