
7/27/2006 01:39:00 PM 4 Comments »
Yesterday, Andrea Yates was found not guilty by reason of insanity in the drowning deaths of her five children. I could not be more unnerved and disgusted. She murdered her children, all of whom thoroughly trusted and loved her. I keep dwelling on the idea that the last thought in each of their minds was most likely, "Why?" When this first happened about five years ago, I was so upset and obsessed with this story. I was relieved when she was found guilty, thinking that maybe there was some justice in this F'd-up judicial system that we have. Then, when I found out she was being re-tried, I thought for sure that it was just a technicality and they would get it right again. Imagine my dismay when I read the news. It's just gross. Now I know that nothing will bring those children back, but Yates should pay for what she has done. Furthermore, her now ex-husband standing by and supporting her makes me sick. Anyone touches my kids and you can be sure they are immediately damned to hell in my mind. I comfort myself by thinking that he is so ashamed of himself for not noticing the telling signs of her frustrations and depression, that he is now standing by her in an attempt to make himself feel better. If she truly felt remorse and has since realized her sickness and is saddened by it, she should have accepted the guilty plea and spent the rest of her life in jail thinking about what she has done. That would be justice.

4 comment/s:

Well-heeled mom said...

Amen, sister! I, too, was disgusted by this. You know, yes, she was probably sick. But after drowning one child you'd think something in there would click and she'd think "Shit, what did I just do?" No, she drowned all five. Poor babies. I'd like to drown her. And? This opens the floodgates for anyone else to get away with murder.

Cat said...

Well, the thing is, the woman is clearly insane. I mean, CLEEEEAAAARLY insane. I guess I just don't really see how spending the rest of her life locked up in prison is in any way a more severe punishment than speniding a lifetime in a psychiatric hospital. In either case she will never be free again.

And if they get her meds working right, I can only imagine the excruciating agony and guilt she will have to live with every day for the rest of her life. And then when she dies...? Yikes. She's not getting away with murder, in my opinion. She's being punished in a way that is more suited to her state of mind when the crime was committed.

Sucks to be her, any way you look at it. Sucks to be her.

Eh. Just my opinion. I simply can't imagine there could ever be a satisfying resolution to this tragedy, you know?

Stupid doctor. Stupid husband. Stupid mental illness. THEY SUCK!

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