Life and Day Care

7/20/2006 01:16:00 PM 2 Comments »
I'm happy. There is peace in my life, even though there is so much going on. I read my profile and I realized that it sounds like I don't have any free time or family time. Not true. I work only about 30-35 hours per week. I am fortunate in that my kids are not in day care, and are taken care of by my husband and I. I have had quite a few people ask me lately when I am going to put my youngest in day care, implying that he is required to be in day care. I don't plan on it. I don't chastise those who have chosen that option. I also realize that for some, it is necessary in their lives. Not so for us. This is what works for us. Please don't tell me that it is necessary for my child's development for him to be around other children and learn from them. It will be time for Kindergarten soon enough. He is always around other children, and is quite sociable. I'm not worried, and you shouldn't worry, either. He'll be fine. Better than fine, actually. I've even heard people say how bright he is and that I should put him in school sooner to expand his education. People don't even consider that it might be a reflection of how much time we spend with him. Could it possibly be that he is so bright because of us? Oh no, of course not!;-)
Life is good, really.
Peace out,

2 comment/s:

Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.