Yeah!! We're moving!!!!!!

7/15/2006 12:29:00 PM 6 Comments »

We got the house!!!!! Well, it's a condo, but we will still own it!! Here are a couple of pictures(The furniture is not ours) We are stressing a bit about the mortgage because it is over twice as much as our rent, but we are determined. I picked up a night job which I don't really like, but I feel like it's necessary. I don't mind working, especially when it will help us out. So now, it's time for me to say good-bye to all of my frivilous shopping habits and expensive food. Here comes shopping with coupons and watching sales. Good-bye to impulse trips to San Francisco and Vegas. I'll miss you. Good bye to year passes to the San Diego zoo and tri-yearly trips to Disneyland. Hello to free museum days at Balboa Park and trips to the beach. Hello to picnics in the park and swimming at the community pool. Hello to nightly walks and more time spent with friends and family. The boys will get to ride their bikes outside and walk to their grandparents' house. They also are in the best schools in the district and I couldn't be happier about that!!!! Well, I guess it doesn't sound too bad after all.
Peace out, Mom

6 comment/s:

Well-heeled mom said...

You'll be fine. We don't do many trips or expensive activities with The Boy and you know what? He's happy. The thing he says the most often is, "I love my home." Our home is less than 2000 square feet total - pretty small - but in a great neighborhood with an awesome yard. Kids are so easy to please. Granted he's only 4, but I hope that's my influence. I'm pretty easy to please and quite satisfied with what I have. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your new digs. My father is in the San Diego area and I'm jealous of your ocean breezes right now.

Not-So-Normal-Mom said...

I'm very happy here. I've lived in many places and although it's quite expensive here, I feel like there is nowhere like San Diego. Thanks for the comments!!!

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Anonymous said...

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