Just Working...

2/11/2009 08:46:00 AM 1 Comment »
I am working many days in a row...And I'm on day ten. It's not so bad, but I don't think I'll be doing it again for a while. ;-)

They found a wooly mammoth downtown last week. It is considered a significant find because the tusk is still attached. My dad works for the company that is building on the property, so they're giving us the oportunity to get a look at it before they pull it out of the ground. I'm trying to get off early so that I can go get a look at it! Opportunities like this don't happen very often. ;-)

Other than that, not too much is going on. My hubby and I finally get some alone time this weekend. My parents are taking the kids Friday for an overnighter. Then, hubby and I have a wedding to go to on Valentine's Day. I can't wait.

Next week, we have our adoption hearing and my mom's throwing us a party on the Saturday after! ;-) It's about time, right??

Peace Out,