Work, Work, Work...

10/16/2008 08:19:00 AM 1 Comment »
I wish that I could be independently wealthy. That would be fantastic. I've mentioned before that we work a lot. I'm not complaining. It was our decision to buy this house, so we need to work to keep it.

My middle son's friend lives down the street from us. Well, we live in a condo, so he lives in the next building over. A couple of weeks ago, I saw his mom at the school and she told me that they were going in to foreclosure. She is a stay-at-home mom with three kids. The oldest is in middle school with my son, the middle daughter is in kinder, and the youngest is three. Her husband works during the day. She told me that he was working a lot and he was really stressed out all of the time. So I asked her why she didn't get a night job, a few days a week, that she could work after he cam home at night. She said that she tried that, but she was just too tired. Then, she shared with me that her mortgage is about half of what we pay-for the same sized condo. So this week, they are moving into a small apartment-a two-bedroom because they are short-selling their condo.

Now, I know that many people are facing the fact that they may lose their house. It's a reality. I have a hard time not passing judgement on their situations.

For us, we have asked the bank numerous times to work with us to drop our 4-grand a month mortgage. When we bought the condo, we were assured that after two years, we would be able to refinance for a smaller mortgage payment. I guess no one could have foreseen that the housing market would drop so much that we would lose half of what we bought our house for, therefore eliminating the option of refinancing.

So we work-a lot. I don't want to lose the first home that we bought together. Yes, it's stressful, but it's worth it. I hope.

Peace Out,

1 comment/s:

Smirking Cat said...

Working 2 jobs isn't fun, but if my house was at stake, my butt would be saying "Would you like fries with that?" if I had to!