Things Floating Around in my Head

9/29/2007 10:50:00 AM 0 Comments »
1. After reading about the woman who was allowed extra time to take her medical exams, I felt a little heartache for women across America. Do we really want to ask for more than what everyone else gets??? Before you ask...yes, I was a breastfeeding mom. I breastfed all three of my sons. Proudly. And discreetly. I was not one to whip out the boob while eating at a restaurant, or while on public transportation. I also had a productive, normal life, and I didn't ask for accommodations. I found out after reading more about this case that the woman had already been granted a whole extra day for her ADHD and dyslexia. She's taking her medical exams. To be a doctor. Anyone else worried? Quit bitching lady. It seems to me that you are just a big whiner.

2. I'm thirsty for knowledge. Just when I think I've learned enough about something, somebody asks me a question that I don't have the answer for, and I have to go and read about it even more. I don't like not knowing.

3. I saw the sky the other night, and it looked so amazing to me. Then, I just got angry with myself because I couldn't think of any way to describe it to someone else. I couldn't find the words to explain what it looked like, or how it made me get that feeling right before you are about to cry. You know, that feeling where you can almost feel tears well up and your chest tingles, and your body just is waiting, expecting something...

4. People disappoint me. But I'm starting to think that it's really just because I'm a bitch. I expect too much, and I should just be happy about who people are and accept them.

5. Once you have reached a certain age, and you look, I mean really look, at yourself, and you realize that your character needs an it possible?

6. The Jena 6...hmmmm...What those white boys did was so wrong on so many levels, and they should be punished. However, those boys should not have beaten that boy. Two wrongs don't make a right. I just don't think this is something the Al Sharpton needs to defend. It's almost like he's saying it's okay that they beat him. What happened to pacifism and speaking out against injustices without violence? We are supposed to stand up and shout to draw attention when something awful happens. We shouldn't lash out with violence.

7. My boys rock. My middle son just read the last two Harry Potter books in three weeks. During the last book, he laughed and cried, and shared with me what was happening. I just felt so proud. My oldest was in the kitchen two nights ago, and was rifling through the pantry, searching for food to fill his ever-growing appetite, and lifted his shirt. Lo and Behold, he had a six pack. He's growing. Little man can ride a bike. Not without training wheels, but still. He's also learning how to write his name. And when he says good bye to me in the morning at daycare, he hugs me tight and strokes my hair as he looks around the room for something to do. So sweet.

8. My husband makes me so very happy. I came across a post on that says "Sometimes it takes one relationship to incinerate your wick. And you can never be lit again." I couldn't disagree more. I found someone that keeps my flame burning, although some had tried before. Although they may have burned it up a bit, none has kept this fire burning like my husband. Even though we are so very busy, we find time for each other, and it makes all the difference. Sometimes he frustrates me, sometimes I get on his nerves, but in the end, it's all about the love, baby. It's he and I against the world!! ;-)
Peace Out,

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