
7/27/2006 01:39:00 PM 4 Comments »
Yesterday, Andrea Yates was found not guilty by reason of insanity in the drowning deaths of her five children. I could not be more unnerved and disgusted. She murdered her children, all of whom thoroughly trusted and loved her. I keep dwelling on the idea that the last thought in each of their minds was most likely, "Why?" When this first happened about five years ago, I was so upset and obsessed with this story. I was relieved when she was found guilty, thinking that maybe there was some justice in this F'd-up judicial system that we have. Then, when I found out she was being re-tried, I thought for sure that it was just a technicality and they would get it right again. Imagine my dismay when I read the news. It's just gross. Now I know that nothing will bring those children back, but Yates should pay for what she has done. Furthermore, her now ex-husband standing by and supporting her makes me sick. Anyone touches my kids and you can be sure they are immediately damned to hell in my mind. I comfort myself by thinking that he is so ashamed of himself for not noticing the telling signs of her frustrations and depression, that he is now standing by her in an attempt to make himself feel better. If she truly felt remorse and has since realized her sickness and is saddened by it, she should have accepted the guilty plea and spent the rest of her life in jail thinking about what she has done. That would be justice.

Life and Day Care

7/20/2006 01:16:00 PM 2 Comments »
I'm happy. There is peace in my life, even though there is so much going on. I read my profile and I realized that it sounds like I don't have any free time or family time. Not true. I work only about 30-35 hours per week. I am fortunate in that my kids are not in day care, and are taken care of by my husband and I. I have had quite a few people ask me lately when I am going to put my youngest in day care, implying that he is required to be in day care. I don't plan on it. I don't chastise those who have chosen that option. I also realize that for some, it is necessary in their lives. Not so for us. This is what works for us. Please don't tell me that it is necessary for my child's development for him to be around other children and learn from them. It will be time for Kindergarten soon enough. He is always around other children, and is quite sociable. I'm not worried, and you shouldn't worry, either. He'll be fine. Better than fine, actually. I've even heard people say how bright he is and that I should put him in school sooner to expand his education. People don't even consider that it might be a reflection of how much time we spend with him. Could it possibly be that he is so bright because of us? Oh no, of course not!;-)
Life is good, really.
Peace out,

Yeah!! We're moving!!!!!!

7/15/2006 12:29:00 PM 6 Comments »

We got the house!!!!! Well, it's a condo, but we will still own it!! Here are a couple of pictures(The furniture is not ours) We are stressing a bit about the mortgage because it is over twice as much as our rent, but we are determined. I picked up a night job which I don't really like, but I feel like it's necessary. I don't mind working, especially when it will help us out. So now, it's time for me to say good-bye to all of my frivilous shopping habits and expensive food. Here comes shopping with coupons and watching sales. Good-bye to impulse trips to San Francisco and Vegas. I'll miss you. Good bye to year passes to the San Diego zoo and tri-yearly trips to Disneyland. Hello to free museum days at Balboa Park and trips to the beach. Hello to picnics in the park and swimming at the community pool. Hello to nightly walks and more time spent with friends and family. The boys will get to ride their bikes outside and walk to their grandparents' house. They also are in the best schools in the district and I couldn't be happier about that!!!! Well, I guess it doesn't sound too bad after all.
Peace out, Mom


7/03/2006 08:55:00 AM 3 Comments »
Yesterday, we did it. We put in two offers on condos in the same area. I'm so nervous. They have three days to respond, but since tomorrow is a holiday, it could be Thursday before we know anything! ARGH! I am so excited at the prospect of owning our own home. I am sick of this sh!t hole that we live in. I hate that our kids can't ride their bikes, skateboard, or roller blade. I hate that our neighbors blare music at 7:30 in the morning on a Sunday when you really want to sleep in! We will live within walking distance of the elementary school, and MO will be able to go to the middle school and high school that we want him to go to! No more inter-district transfers! Yeah! This is one of the most stressful things that we have ever done. What was weird is that, after we put the offers in, a lot of that stress went away. We had all the information, made a good decision, and handed it over. It felt good. Hopefully, it won't get stressful again. (Yeah right, when we get that first mortgage payment, we may weep!)
Peace out,