The Oldest

11/17/2008 08:58:00 AM 2 Comments »

Well, I've taken most/all of his privileges. He doesn't have his cell phone, the PS2 is gone Mon-Friday, and he can only go to a friend's house once a week, on the weekend. He also doesn't have use of the computer, unless it is school-related. There are other things in place, too. For example, he is required to do homework every day at the table with us for one and a half hours. If all of his hw is done, then he reads at the table. He has read more novels in the last couple of weeks than I have seen him read in years.

I know that all of this won't make much of a difference for this grading period-there are only four weeks left. However, all of these things need to be in place so that he can start the next grading period off right.

I am torn with him because really, if he would just do okay in school, the boy would be damn near perfect. He's funny, good-looking, and a really good big brother. He doesn't talk back, and doesn't give me any grief-except with the school work.

I also don't want to be super-strict. I am not that kind of mom. I can't be with him forever. He needs to learn how to take responsibility for his own actions and deal with the consequences if he doesn't make good choices. Unfortunately for him, that may mean taking these classes in intercession or taking this grade over. Maybe that will wake him up.

Peace Out,

2 comment/s:

Away2me (Deanna) said...

He is such a handsome boy. And I have to tell you, it is so nice to read a blog post where someone is making their child accountable for their actions and at the same time teaching them some useful study habits. Self discipline and focus are really important tools for anyone to have.

Good job Mom!

Not-So-Normal-Mom said...

Awww...thank you. That is very nice of you to say. It's been a learning experience. He is my first, so really, I'm making it up as I go along...