
6/20/2008 08:00:00 PM 1 Comment »
We are always late. My husband is more guilty of this than I am, although he would probably argue. I am tardy for things when it is not important to be on time. He is tardy when it is important. He is late going to the movies, and other things that have a set start time. I am late when we are supposed to be somewhere at a time that ends in "-ish". Tonight, we were supposed to go to the movies with my family. My dad was very excited about seeing "Get Smart" because he loved the TV show. It started at 8. It is now after 8 and my husband is still not home. He thought we could get in after it started. On a Friday night. The night the movie came out. Riiight. So we are not going. The kids are disappointed, and so am I. Maybe I am just tired because I worked all day and came home to dishes overflowing in the sink. Whatever.
Peace Out,

ps. There is nothing worse than an overflowing sink full of dishes where someone has dumped the wet coffee grounds in the sink. Icky.

1 comment/s:

Well-heeled mom said...

Who wants to go into a movie after it has started? Silly man.