George Carlin Quote

6/30/2008 03:00:00 PM 1 Comment »
"Expressions I Question"

In your own words:

"You hear it in classrooms. And courtrooms. They'll say, 'Tell your own words...' Do you have your own words? Personally, I'm using the ones everybody else has been using. Next time they tell you to say something in your own words, say, 'Nigflot blorny quando floon.'"


6/20/2008 08:00:00 PM 1 Comment »
We are always late. My husband is more guilty of this than I am, although he would probably argue. I am tardy for things when it is not important to be on time. He is tardy when it is important. He is late going to the movies, and other things that have a set start time. I am late when we are supposed to be somewhere at a time that ends in "-ish". Tonight, we were supposed to go to the movies with my family. My dad was very excited about seeing "Get Smart" because he loved the TV show. It started at 8. It is now after 8 and my husband is still not home. He thought we could get in after it started. On a Friday night. The night the movie came out. Riiight. So we are not going. The kids are disappointed, and so am I. Maybe I am just tired because I worked all day and came home to dishes overflowing in the sink. Whatever.
Peace Out,

ps. There is nothing worse than an overflowing sink full of dishes where someone has dumped the wet coffee grounds in the sink. Icky.

Happy Father's Day!!!

6/15/2008 09:43:00 PM 1 Comment »

What can I say about the men in my life???

Growing up, I was in a female-dominated world. It was my sister and I and my mom, and then there was my dad. I know that he was sick of the period talk, the emotional roller-coasters, and the boy-crazy teenagers in his house. My dad wasn't always able to express himself, and I remember one time when I was younger, after he told me to do something, I told him that his voice sounded like finger nails on a chalk board and I didn't want him to talk to me anymore. For a week or so, he didn't talk to me; he left post-it notes all over the house. It made me crazy! Yeah, I missed his voice. So even if he didn't always act conventionally, he always taught me something. He taught me that learning and knowledge were important and he encouraged me to find the fun in the pursuit of the answer. When I went through some of the hardest times in my life, he was just there. He didn't intervene, but made me learn it on my own. I love my dad. He is such a great man. He is a wonderful father-in-law and an awesome "boompa."

Now, my honey. I know that since his father passed away, father's day is especially hard. It breaks my heart. I hope that he knows that he is everything that his father wanted him to be. Not just because he is a great businessman, but also because he is a fantastic husband and father. Even though he is very tired, he helps the boys with their homework and takes time to play. He takes the boys to the park and stays up in their rooms with them to watch them master their video games. He is firm and strong, and the boys are so very lucky to have them in their lives. He provides everything that they need and he is the reason why they will all grow up to be awesome men.

Happy Father's Day to the men who enrich my life everyday. I love you!

Peace out,


6/04/2008 10:48:00 AM 2 Comments »

Originally uploaded by not-so-normal-mom
Yesterday was our third wedding anniversary. We rock!

I've known him since I was 16 or 17. I first saw him when I went to meet my mom for lunch at work. He was going up the escalator and my mom said "See that guy? Stay away from him."

Yeah, that pretty much encouraged me to find out what she was talking about. I got hired at the department dtore for the Christmas season when I was 17. When I turned 18, and he was 26, we had a fling. It didn't last too long, and we both moved on.

I moved on to my not-so-wonderful ex-husband and had two kids. After suffering in that relationship for about four years, I moved back home with my two very young sons and got a job at the same department store, but at a different mall. There, I ran into J running a coffee shop. We started dating soon after and took it real slow with the boys.

We've lived together now for over five years, and we have another little man added to the mix. He is an awesome husband and an amazing father.

Like any marriage, we've gone through a lot of crap together. We have even pissed each other off quite a few times. It's not easy all of the time, but most of the time it is. I love, love, love him. He makes me so happy and I am having such a great time experiencing this chaotic life with him.

Happy Anniversary to us!

Peace Out,