Happy Mother's Day!

5/11/2008 11:18:00 AM 1 Comment »

mom in hawaii
Originally uploaded by not-so-normal-mom
What to say about my mom...

My mom pretty much rocks. She's pretty, smart, and funny. She is very fair-minded, even though when I was younger I shouted "That's not fair!" at her enough times! ;-) She makes me laugh. She's a great grandma to the brood of loud boys, and she almost always has purse-candy. ;-)

When I was younger, and going through those teenage years, we fought. Not because she was mean, but because she wanted to keep me safe. It took getting older and having kids of my own to realize that she was right.

When I was pregnant the first time, I was very young and the father of my baby was an idiot with no job and really, not very much hope. My mom was crying, and I was angry because she was crying. I wanted her to be happy about the baby. I will never forget what she told me that night. She said "for the rest of your life, this is your baby. He will leave, but the baby will always be yours." At the time, I was filled with righteous indignation. Now, I realize that she was right.

When you become a mother, that baby is yours. No matter what. It is amazing to me that I feel that momma tiger come out so often when I feel my cubs are in danger. I know that my mom felt that when she heard that I was pregnant. She wanted to protect me from what she knew was coming.

Of course, it all worked out. Now, I'm married to a great guy and my mom really loves him. So really, I rarely see that momma tiger come out in her anymore. ;-)

On this day, I also think about two years ago when I almost lost my mom. When my dad called to say that she was going to the ICU, I scrambled to get dressed and rush off to the hospital. My husband was on his way to the house, and I was trying to get it together so that I could drive up to the hospital. As I was getting ready, I found myself putting on jewelry that she gave me. I realized that I was putting all of these things on as some sort of amulet to protect me, or to protect her, or maybe to link us in some way. I wanted her to be protected, and I thought that if I could just find the one thing that would work, everything would be okay. I know, it's strange. On the way to the hospital I realized that it would be hypocritical of me to ask God to save her. At the time, I hadn't been to church in quite some time and I didn't want to be the kind of person that only looked to God in times of trouble. All I could do through the tears was look up at the sky and just say "please. No."

She made it through and is back to her old self; and I like her. Through all of this, I learned what life is about. It's about living for today and spending time with the people you love. You unever know what's going to happen!

Anyway...all of this to say that my mom is awesome, and I really don't know what I would do without her. We don't always agree, but in the end, does that even matter? I love her so much. What I learned from her is that once you have a child, everything in your life is done for that child. Everything.

Happy Mother's Day, Mom. And Thanks.

Peace Out,

1 comment/s:

Anonymous said...

My lovely Not-so-Normal Daughter left her father and I to care for our beautiful grandsons this weekend, while she and our favorite son-in-law went to a friends graduation in SF. We had a great time! We went to the movies, played board games, went swimming, bowling, ate junk food (I probably gained 5 pounds!), all the things that 3 active boys like. I just have to say that by 3 o'clock on Sunday, we were dead tired! I tried to talk the "baby" in to a nap, he wasn't interested. I let them stay in our hot tub (the heat was turned off for the weekend) all afternoon while grandpa and I vegged on the coach. Our house is in a state of disrepair not because they made a huge mess, but because we don't have the energy to move!
I have always admired my daughter for raising such remarkable boys, but after this weekend, I think she's Wonder Woman!
I am tired!
Love you!