Stress Piled on Stress Piled on...

2/19/2008 10:46:00 PM 0 Comments »
The masses were sick for the last couple of weeks, and they are just starting to come around...And I am feeling a tickle in the back of my throat. I don't have time to get sick!!! I have a Spanish project due, an exam on Friday, work piled upon work, and my hubby and I are bidding for a new business. This is put-your-balls-on-the-table time. This is the time where it all changes. No matter what happens, our life is going to change. God willing, things will go the way that we want/need them to go. If not, there we will the top of sh*t creek without that trusty paddle. Ouch. No matter what, this is the time in our family that will go down in history as the best thing we could do for ourselves, or the "what were we thinking?" moment. These are the moments in life that you both dread and long for. This is one of those make-it-or-break-it times. Damn, I'm hoping that we make it.
Peace Out,

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