More Random Thoughts

11/03/2007 12:13:00 PM 1 Comment »
I quit my job counting money at night. I did this for two reasons: They were moving the job to a morning position, and I have another job in the morning. Also, if I were to continue on at the company, I would have to work on the sales floor. At Christmas.
Hopefully, I will now be able to spend more time with family and friends. I'm looking forward to it! I already have plans this Saturday and next...when people found out I have some more free time, they started calling!! This is a good thing, but I could use some more "me" time.
My middle son is going to camp on Monday!! To be honest, I'm a little nervous. When my oldest went away two years ago, I wasn't so nervous. He is a bit more mature and makes new friends easily. He is really gregarious and cocky! However, my middle son is a different kind of guy. He is VERY nice. I tell people all the time that he's then nicest boy I've ever met, and I mean it! But that means that people take advantage of him and pick on him, which hurts me. I hope that he has a good time at camp. I want it to be a positive experience for him, and not something that he looks bad on as the time "mom sent me away to be abused for a week." Ya know??? Oh, my nerves.
We've made travel arrangements to go to New Jersey for a little over a week starting the day after Christmas. All five of us. I am looking into things we can do in the area so that we aren't cloistered in the house with my mother-in-law all week. She is no longer accustomed to the noise and activity of three rowdy boys. I don't want to see her look of disapproval pointed in their direction. I'm barely used to it pointed in my direction.
Peace Out,

1 comment/s:

Anonymous said...

You know what they say about all work and no play.....

I am guilty as charged.
