Field Trip

11/09/2006 02:21:00 PM 1 Comment »
I went with my middle son on a field trip Tuesday to Balboa Park in San Diego. It was pretty nice. We went to the Science Center and the Natural History Museum, but we were only allotted about an hour and a half at each museum. That wasn't enough time to really learn, you know? Not to mention, the teacher assumed that, because I am a mother of three boys, I would LOVE to be the chaperone of five boys. SUPER! Let me tell you, boys are a handful. AND, I had a wanderer in the group. We're all standing there, looking at an exhibit, and I do my little head count, and one is missing. Crap! "M***!" We wasted more time looking for M*** than looking at actual exhibits. I told the teacher that I will not go on any more field trips unless I get some girls in the group. Really, I have enough boy time at home.

1 comment/s:

Well-heeled mom said...

Very funny, but I know what you mean and I only have one boy!