San Francisco

2/21/2006 09:25:00 AM 0 Comments »

Originally uploaded by not-so-normal-mom.
Yeah!!!! We went to San Francisco! We had such a great time! We took my sister with us because she had never been, and she adds a bit of fun to our travels. I finally got smart and bought our Alcatraz tickets online a couple of days before we went. They were always sold out when we had gone before. It was awesome! It was so interesting. Alcatraz really is a beautiful island, despite what it had been used for. It was very educational, with that fun element of crime and danger.:-) We also ate dim sum in China Town, went to look at the redwoods in Muir Woods, and hung out at Pier 39. We stayed in a real nice Marriott Residence Inn in San Mateo. It had two bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a full kitchen(with a dishwasher). It was very nice, and it was plenty of room for all of us. Some people don't like to road trip eight hours, but it really works for us. The kids are pretty good in the car, except for the fact that they ask for a snack every 15 minutes. I think next time, I'll pack them their own, individual coolers! Wow, that's a good idea... Anyway, I'm back at home, with a lot of cleaning, homework, and laundry to do. I better get to it. (Click on the title to get to the Alcatraz home page-it's pretty interesting!)

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