Father's Day

6/18/2006 12:40:00 PM 4 Comments »

I've always honored my dad on Father's Day, and I think that it's important to acknowledge what he did/does to make me the person I am today. I really do think my dad is a great guy... We had our issues when I was growing up, but that was normal teenager crap. When I was a grown woman and had to move home to escape a horrible marriage, he and my mom took us in. He provided the role model that my sons needed. He showed them that not all men scream and hit. He showed them that some men even did dishes and changed diapers. They even hug, nuzzle, and kiss! He is smart, funny, caring, and loving. All of that together equals one wonderfully sarcastic, witty man!
When he walked me down the aisle on my wedding day, he put me at ease with his sense of humor that I admire so much. That's one trait that I admire in myself...He taught me that through it all, we have the ability to laugh. Whatever is thrown our way, there is always something to laugh about, and something to look forward to.
He has always been good to my mom, and because of that, I realized what I wanted in my marriage. They always hold hands and kiss, and I know that he would rather spend his time with her than with anyone else. I will never forget the time that she needed him most; when her mom died. He was out on a ship in the middle of the ocean and was sent home on a helicopter to be with her. She had been in her room all morning, and when he came home, my sister and I were sitting on the couch in the livingroom. After talking to us for a few minutes and telling us about when his grandfather died and how he felt, he asked where my mom was. We told him, and he headed down the hallway to their room. When he stepped in the room and closed the door, I heard my mom cry. It was a raw, heartbroken cry, and I could tell that she waited for him to come home so that he could comfort and protect her. That's when I really knew what the love between a husband and a wife was supposed to feel like.
When I first got in a relationship with my husband, my dad was leery. He was worried that this man wasn't good enough. Not only for me, but for the grandsons that he loved so much. Over the years, he has sized him up, spent time with him, and eventually gave him his stamp of approval. How do I know this? Well, he lets him eat his steak. He even buys dinner when we all go out once in a while. They sit next to each other on the couch and exchange jokes. They laugh together, and they keep up with each other's wit. That's important in our family! My dad supports our marriage and loves our sons. He is everything that we could ask for in a father, father-in-law, and grandfather. So, Happy Father's Day, Daddy. You are really appreciated and loved.

4 comment/s:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for making me cry!
Love you!


Well-heeled mom said...

What a beautiful tribute to your father!

Anonymous said...

Great site lots of usefull infomation here.

Anonymous said...

Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.