Things That Make You Go Hmmm...

4/27/2008 04:44:00 PM 0 Comments »
Is it a coincidence that the price of gas is going up astronomically high at the same time that the government is sending out checks to stimulate the economy? Hmmmmm...

Just a little conspiracy theory to get you thinking...

Peace Out,

Birthday (Boy?)

4/14/2008 10:02:00 PM 1 Comment »

Originally uploaded by not-so-normal-mom
So MO's birthday was the end of last month. We didn't make a big deal about it because last year was the big 13, and this year, he just wanted a couple of friends over to swim and eat pizza. So that's what we did! The boys were pretty good. My son is now 14 and just on the edge of boy and young man. His voice is so deep, and he is as tall as I am. He's so helpful and witty...he's really damn sarcastic, but it's great. I look at him and I remember when he was born. I remember all of my hopes and dreams for myself being poured in to this little man. I am so proud of him. He could do better in school, of course, but overall, he is pretty darn great.
When he was born, my sister had the local radio station play "Here Comes the Sun" by the Beatles and every year, I play it on his birthday. Every time I hear that song, I think of him and all of the wonderful things that make him such a great guy. So Happy Birthday my big man. You make me so very proud.
Peace Out,

More Specific...

4/08/2008 09:40:00 PM 0 Comments »
It is what it is....

This is my least favorite phrase because I know someone who overused it and used it incorrectly. I feel that this phrase should only be used when it really is an unchangeable situation. If it is something that can be changed and should be changed, then we shouldn't just shrug our shoulders and say basically, "oh well!" Say, for example, that your husband is abusing you...this is not the time to say...

It is what it is....

Or for example, when you are failing a class because you aren't doing your homework. This is not a time to say...

It is what it is....

When it is raining, this is, indeed, a time to say...

It is what it is...

Because, in fact, you can not change the situation.

I'm just tired of people shrugging their shoulders at things that should be changed.

Peace Out,

My Least Favorite Phrase

4/02/2008 11:30:00 PM 2 Comments »
It is what it is.

What does that mean, exactly? I think too many people are saying this, and to quote one of the best movies of all time (Princess Bride): "I don't think it means what you think it means."

Peace Out,