I'm on my way

11/21/2005 12:03:00 PM 0 Comments »
I'm leaving tonight for New Jersey! I'm a little nervous, but I think I'm prepared. I hope the kids behave themselves. I hope I get some sleep on the plane, and most important, I hope I don't say anything stupid to my in-laws. That's so hard for me! I have a problem with speaking before I think. I have a tendency to speak with my emotions rather than my brain. Oh well, I'll be sure to post about my trip. Oh, and I can't wait to see the Liberty Bell! I'm so excited about all the American history that you can take in on the East coast. Maybe next year, we can go to New York. Maybe I'll get a chance to bond with my in-laws and this will be a life-changing experience for me. Yeah right, I'm just hoping I make it out alive.


11/17/2005 09:40:00 AM 0 Comments »
I know my day is not starting off well when I hear these two phrases before eight am:

"Mom!!!! He keeps sneezing on me!!!!!"


"EEEWWWWW, gross!!!! Mom!!!!! He licked the Q-tip with earwax on it!!!!"

I really did want girls.

here's your sign...

11/16/2005 06:28:00 PM 0 Comments »
Something is bothering me. I was driving behind a huge construction truck today, and there was a small sign on the back that said "Not responsible for windshield damage. Stay back 200 feet" This sign was maybe one foot by one foot big. There is no way you could even see that sign from 200 feet away. Are you kidding me? I promise you, if something flew out of that truck and hit my windshield and caused a crack, you would be so responsible!!!!!


11/08/2005 05:52:00 PM 0 Comments »
It's nice. Even though I feel a heavy head cold coming on, life is alright. The boys make me a little crazy sometimes. So much so that I sent them to bed at 8 last night, but life is mostly good. I am smiling. My mom went to the doctor yesterday and is a little worried about her tests, but I am sure (I can feel it in my heart) that it's nothing. I am confident. I am relaxing a bit. I am not too stressed out, I haven't had a homicidal thought in a couple of days, so life is good. I hope this lasts.

My Day From Hell

11/03/2005 07:38:00 PM 0 Comments »
My oh my, yesterday was a challenge for me!!!!!
First, I took my big boys to school, and then I went home to shower and give the little man a bath.  I told my mom that I would pick her up at work at 1, and I was going to get there a little early so that I could shop for a coat for my NJ trip(I’m sure it will be quite cold while we are there).  So, I hurried out the door…I grabbed my purse, the diaper bag, a cup of juice for little man, a toy car, Bubba’s hand, and I turned the lock on the door.  I walked out, and shut the door behind me…Thereby locking my keys in my apartment.  CRAP!  Okay, the maintenance man is at lunch, the (new) manager’s office is closed.  Oh Crap!  I have to go to her house.  We just got a new manager two weeks ago, and I am not keen on introducing myself by asking for the key to my apartment.  Oh well, you do what you have to do, right?  I went over and knocked on her apartment door, and it went something like this:
*door opens* hi, I’m NSNM, I live over there, and I totally locked my keys in my apartment.  Do you think you could let me in?
Her:  Well, it’s my lunch break.
Me:  *pausing, dumbfounded*  Okaaaay, but could you please just let me in, I’d really appreciate it.  I’m sorry to bother you at home.
Her:  Yeah okay, give me a few minutes.
Me:  Okay, thanks.  
I then take little man and sit on the steps for TEN MINUTES!!!!  Then, she comes out and walks to the office.  She sticks her head out and says:
Her:  I don’t have the key to your apartment.  You must have changed the locks.
Me:  No, We’ve never changed the locks.  I know there is a key in there, you guys have gotten in before with no problem.
Her:  I’ll look in one more place.
*Goes in the office again*
Her:  Nope, I don’t have it, when you get a copy made, you should bring it to the office so that I have a copy.
She then WALKED.INTO.HER.HOUSE.  And yes, I was standing outside dumbfounded!  Thanks for all your help BIZNITCH!  I had to pry open my window and shimmy in and over a bookshelf, and onto my dining room table.  I got my keys and left.  Oh, I am so writing a letter to property management!
Then, later on, I got my big boys from school, and we went home.  My middle son had a lot of homework, so I decided to bring him to work with me.  (I am tutoring at the College, he can sit and do his work and I can help him if I am not with a student.)  To make a long story short, he ended up spilling an entire 16 ounces of hot chocolate all over my coworkers SDSU homework.  I had to Xerox all of his work so that it was fresh and new, and not covered with sticky hot chocolate gooiness.  You have no idea how many times I apologized to my coworker!  (I must say that he was totally cool about it, even if he was steaming on the inside)
Then, at about 8pm, the boys are all rough housing.  I kept saying things like, “cut it out”, “someone’s going to get hurt!”, and “quiet!”.  Then, I heard screaming.  My oldest and my Bubba cracked heads!  It was the back of MO head vs. the front of Bubba’s head.  I totally freaked out!  It was a giant egg!!!!  I had to pin him down to apply ice, and then I was really starting to worry when Bubba was looking drowsy.  MO was totally fine, a little weepy, but fine.  The two oldest went to bed, mostly because I was freaked out and they were a little scared.  Needless to say, the baby is fine and I went to bed and ended “THE DAY FROM HELL!”